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Choosing the Best Metal Pen

From the earliest hammered bronze to the most advanced titanium alloys, the history of metal is the history of civilization itself. Strong yet malleable, elemental yet constantly innovated, metals are practically a metaphor of human nature. So it's no surprise that even in this age of abundant and versatile plastics, metal continues to hold an intrinsic, almost mythical appeal.

Metal pens provide a reassuring sense of quality, prestige, and permanence. Premium machined-metal pens are the pinnacle of this ideal, but metal pens can be found in all styles and price points. Not all metals are equal, however. In this guide, we'll cover the most common metals used in pen design, explain their pros and cons, and recommend some great choices for each one.


Contact: Victor

Phone: 15879036350

Tel: +86 15879036350

Email: victor@ballpens.cn

Add: Wengang Town,Jinxian County,Nanchang city,Jiangxi province,China

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